Fibromyalgia. A painful condition often diagnosed in Richmond women via a revealing examination of 18 tender points in various parts of the body. The diagnosis is sometimes controversial. Is fibromyalgia a viable diagnosis? What is the best way to diagnose and treat such a condition of widespread pain? Johnson Chiropractic is beside our Richmond fibromyalgia patients as they ask just such questions and seek relieving answers.
What is fibromyalgia? Our Richmond fibromyalgia patients know that it’s a chronic disorder characterized by extensive musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in certain areas of the body. (1) In many fibromyalgia patients, Vitamin D is found to be low. (2) The perception of chronic pain is widely discussed as being related to calcifediol. Patients with severe pain and fibromyalgia syndrome are low in calcifediol. (2) What is calcifediol? It is a prehormone made in the liver by the processing of Vitamin D3 (cholecaliferol) by the enzyme choleciferol 23-hydroxylase. (3) (Are you paying attention? There’s a quiz soon! Just kidding.) Importantly, our Richmond chiropractic patients, Vitamin D is needed to help your body absorb calcium and phosphorous to build and keep bones strong. It’s also used to treat bone disorders like rickets and osteomalacia.
Now, Johnson Chiropractic recognizes that fibromyalgia patients have high pain perception at certain tender points in the musculoskeletal system. (4) Patients reporting non-specific skeletal pain have lower Vitamin D levels, a finding that is greater in women than men. (4) Research shows that Vitamin D levels influence pain perception. Now, chiropractic care at Johnson Chiropractic may diagnosis fibromyalgia and differentiate just where the pain is centered. From there, a treatment plan that incorporates spinal manipulation like the gentle Cox Technic offered at Johnson Chiropractic and nutrition can be designed to help.
So what else does Johnson Chiropractic find helps fibromyalgia and pain perception? Vitamin D just might. Newly published, a study about how a low Vitamin D level is significantly correlated with pain intensity as well as functional status in fibromyalgia patients. (5) Optimizing the level of calcifediol positively influences fibromyalgia patients’ perceptions of pain. (2)
Contact Johnson Chiropractic for a Richmond chiropractic appointment to help manage fibromyalgia. Your tender points will thank you!